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Showing posts from 2012

Finals week 2012, or a Chiara Ferrari rant.

it's that time of the semsester & hopefully I'll do alright. My next final can be taken anytime between now & my birthday. I don't know how I did on my research paper, My Little Brony , but Bowser seemed to be approving. She was nice to me as I handed it to her. Well, unless I fail my portfolio review (next semester) I won't have to worry about taking classes with her again. I hope she leaves for a few years. I've discovered something, when she's not teaching, she's nice. But if you're her student... She is the equivilant of Bowser from Super Mario Brothers. During the semester my new friend Chris & I started calling her Bowser. it's better to just call her that. Unfortunantly, she is the one teacher whose subject matter finds its yes, ms Ferrari I did NOT misuse the apostrophe.  -.-;;*sigh*  way into my research paper on Foundation  by Issac Asimov.    I'm just having a bit of trouble finding out exactly what Dr. Asimov's th...

Don't blame Jessica starweilder

This morning I woke up and tried to turn my heater on.  It's been stormy for the past week and when I tried to turn it on the controls felt wrong. I tried turning the knobs and they were stuck in the on position. I turned my laptop on to check the time. (It was 5:40 AM) I went online a few minutes later to see if anyone had reported an outage, and at the time there were at least 50 reports in south oroville alone. So I called pg&e myself to report the outage...

Mr. Defense Attorney, Y U NO Phoenix Wright?!

the perfect music to go along with this blog Today I had one of the dreaded things happen to me... I had to go to the courthouse and show up for jury duty. :( But it wasn't really all that bad. Seriously the waiting was really boring, and my main thought was "Please DON'T choose me!" or "Get me out of here, get me out of here" I was in group 114. Groups 100 - 115 had to show up @ 8am. I was already pissed because today was the first day of Thanksgiving Break and I was looking foreward to relaxing at home. I'm a student at CSU Chico and we have the entire week off. My vacations are sacred. College is stressful enough as it is. I was hoping that the case I was assigned to wasn't too boring a case like a lawsuit or another civil suit. I'm a Phoenix Wright fan and while waiting to go into a courtroom I was playing Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations  on my 3DS. Mia Fey was cross-examining Phoenix when my group number was called. the...

tis a gift

Tis a gift to be simple.... Tis a gift to give your director a carmel apple made by your own hands. Dr. Tevis is nice, a showman, and a screwball. I wish that he could meet Sensei Delina.   don't get me wrong, I love my Sensei. I've been training off & on for nine years, and right now life is a little bit busy for me to train in Jujitsu, yet in my honest opinion  the best conductors should know some of the esoteric principles of Danzan Ryu Jujitsu. It's evident that the two can blend together. For example: the younger the ensemble  the more outrageous the stick must move. In Jujitsu, when training white belts or those below you in rank, your kata should have wider movements. Okay, so the ensemble shouldn't have to bow before the conductor, but you know what I mean. What I learned today was that the conductor & ensemble should trust each other. When the musicians trust the conductor trust each other, then that's when the mus...

Seriously, sexy Girl Scouts? RANT

TL:DR an Alumna Girl Scout's rant on sexy girl scout uniforms. pictures used in the blog were found using Google. No copyright infringement is meant or intended. I know it's almost Halloween and everything, but I just have to say this: SEXY GIRL SCOUT COSTUMES ARE DISTURBING!!!! It's one thing that "sexy" variations of costumes exist, that's okay. Certain types of costumes can have sexy equivilants, BUT (and that's a bug but) there are others that should not have been touched with the sexy stick.  Costumes like sexy military or medical officials are one thing, but if the sexy costume is of Anything for those under the age of 18 then WTH was it made??? seriously. Cartoon/Anime characters are there for kids to idolize, make them sexy and you might have "little Johnny" or "Little Suzy" asking "Mommy, why is (insert favorite character here) looking like a big boobed woman?" But one of the worst by far are the...


IMG015.jpg , a photo by JZSpock on Flickr. mi hijo. taken in summer 2004.

an Open Letter to Gatomon

Dear Gatomon, Hola mi hijo, is Jesus letting you sit on His lap and letting you gently bat at His face with your paws? your human mommy misses you. but at least you're not having any seizures anymore. Nor are you allergic to dry food anymore. I hope that you and Bikuri are having a great time together.

Happy Birthday Justin!

at only 2 days shy from his real birthday, we're giving him his birthday early. Justin as the King of his Party . This is Justin. my now-21 year old autistic brother. The reason why we gave him his party early is that everyone is busy with classes in the evening on his actual birthday. Justin was born on September 5th, 1991 in Fort Worth Texas. He's been a brat ever since. One's 21st birthday is a big deal. Not only are you allowed all the privileges that 18 year olds have, you can also legally drink alcoholic beverages. However since Justin has autism, no alcohol was served. It took the longest time to decide what we were going to do for his party. Whenever we asked Justin what he wanted, he would just mimic us. Sabrina had to get him by himself and ask the questions. She was able to coax him into telling her where he wanted to go. (Cornucopia) and what he wanted for his cake. His cake was really chocolatey. and all throughout the m...
Warning: the following Blog contains extensive amounts of  Jujitsu and Martial Arts terminology. If this offends or confuses you, then why are you reading this post? *looks around, and sees the reader still wanting to read* You're still here? Excellent, Hadijimemashou! Danzan Ryu Jujitsu, one of my passions  that life has a habit of getting in the way of sometimes. lol, but seriously it's fun. Tonight Sensei Delina had one of her friends Sensei Murph teach both the 4:30 & 5:45 classes. Wednesdays are the days when I usually would attend 1 class but since my mom has a colonoscopy tomorrow  she couldn't take me, instead my younger "sisters" took me up to Chico & I could attend both classes. Normally I take one Jujitsu class on Wednesdays & mom goes to church.  Boy am I glad that I went. 1: I worked out with some of my brothers on the mat. Those brothers like me hadn't been on the mat in a while.  and 2: Sensei Murph ...

To the jerks who violated Greased Lightning last night...

yes, you read that right. Some jerks broke into my family's 2008 Silver Dodge Calibur last night. The car's name is Greased Lightning. It must have happened between the hours of 3 am and 5:37 am. Mom discovered what happened at around 7am when she went to get Justin something for his lunches. My younger brother is involved in a day program at the COVE up in Paradise. I only wished she had woken up one of us shutterbugs, so that the cops could have pictures of the aftermath to back up any testimony. According to her the theives must have ransacked the car because our Garmin and all of the cords were gone, the Shrek CD was thrown in the back seat. the glove box was opened and pilfrered through. Including the cords for charging iPods and Celphones.  Around 8:30 am I went to investigate this manner. I grabbed my trusty digital camera and took pictures of anything suspicious looking. There were smudges on the front passenger side door and a palm sized spot on the rear passenger...

Super Special Stellar Start of Summer!

For anyone reading this blog Summer Vacation is just over a month old, but seriously this summer has had a stellar beginning. For CSU Chico students Sp'12 ended in the middle of May. So logically the solar system gave any and all star watchers the rare Ring Of Fire! Otherwise known as an "Annular Eclispe"  The ring of Fire as seen from the Sundial Bridge at  Turtle Bay in Redding,  CA. This pic was taken with a digital camera covered by an extra pair of eclipse glasses. 3rd Contact, taken from a video of the eclipse On June 5th there was the extremely rare Transit of Venus. Here in the U.S. the Transit started around 3:09 PM and was still in progress as the sun set.

Anime Sims 3 creations: Mokuba Kaiba!

Hi, I just want to upload some pictures of anime sims in the Sims 3. Such as little Mokuba from Yu-Gi-Oh! Mokuba Kaiba Mokuba Kaiba close up.

Turn back the years... or What's my family history?

Hi, Beyond my grandma Alice Morgan being a famous Romance Author and that my grandpa on my dad's side was in the AirForce in WW2 I wasn't sure if there was any other legends in my bloodline. One of my friends on Facebook David Hack A*K*A Sarge always puts (some latin.. de Honera Stand down <insert soldier's name here> you are relieved. when a military person dies. So this afternoon I got the idea to ask him to put on his facebook wall on 12/26 "... STAND DOWN MAJOR WAYNE D BRIGGS, YOU ARE RELIEVED" Because grandpa Briggs died on the day after Christmas in '96. I ended up activating my 2 week free trial at to find out what my grandpa's rank was. The only things I remember were that he was in the war and flew airplanes. There was a picture of him with his airplane ontop of the black piano in their house back in Texas (ofcourse that house is most likely gone now but many years ago... Last Night with the help of mom I was able to pie...

KIFF: To Seek Out New Avenues and the ways of the future 10-12/12

Well, this is it. The final blog of Keeping it Family Friendly: Social Media and Online Gaming. This semester we've just scratched the surface of the use of social media in online gaming. We've glanced at how to start a new Wizard in Wizard101 and all the way through looking at different topics relating to W101 and Online Gaming as a whole. Admittidly some topics were stretching it a bit. But since time stays still for no one, let's look to the future of Wizard101 and Online Gaming. Inside the Spiral: Wizard101 isn't a stagnant game. The Spiral is continually expanding outward at a rate of one new world a year. The new world for this year is Avalon. Avalon is a world based on the mythos of King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable. It is also the homeworld of Headmaster Merle Ambrose and his pet Gamma the Owl. With Avalon and Zafaria before that and Celestia before that, New Worlds bring a few new things to the Spiral. A new level cap New gear New Storyli...

KIFF: An Archmage is sworn to valor */12

An Archmage is sworn to Valor, Her heart knows only virtue, her wand defends the helpless, her might upholds the weak, her word speaks only truth Her wrath undoes the wicked... Or it will, 9 levels from now -_-; Hi, I'm Jessica Starweilder level 71 Transcended Diviner. A Diviner is a Storm Wizard. We study the magic of the seas and are the most creative wizards in the Spiral. But enough about me, I'm taking over the blog to let you know about a few updates to Wizard101 that just recently came out. In Wizard101 when a wizard reaches a certain level they earn a new rank. for example; I'm over level 70 therefore my rank is Transcended. This game has an annoying thing called a Level Cap. When a wizard reaches this level any and all exp gain is lost and until it's raised we stay at that level. Starting at level 20 after we level up 10 times we get a new rank. My next rank is Archmage, Level 80. Level caps are raised when new worlds are discovered in the Spir...

KIFF: dividing the young wizards between the haves and have nots 9/12

Before we begin, let's just clarify what the "haves and have nots" from the title means. The haves and have nots are referring to those players who have access to social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. The have nots are those without access. It isn't referring to those free account players vs subscribers/Preemies. Also "Young Wizards" is simply the way W101 refers to its players. Outside the spiral : Online games are played by millions of people world wide. The companies usually rely on social media sites to get the word out to their players. Also the official websites for the games have forums directly on their site so that players can get together and discuss any problems they're having. If however the players don't even have access to the net, then they can't even play the games. Also about 33% of the entire world's population has internet access. Whether or not their access is censored is another thing. Some nations...

KIFF: Educating the gamers. Wizards and players of other games alike 8/12

Before we begin this week the lines between the Inside & Outside the Spiral are very blurred so this week the separations are gone. The whole premise of Wizard101 is that you play as a wizard enrolled at the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, however because Wizard101 is entirely story based it can't exactly be used as a virtual classroom. There is a way to get around this, students and teachers could have W101 accounts provided for them. Students can use the True friend code feature to add their classmates and teachers and the teacher's wizard can stay at their castle and send PMs to the students' wizards requesting the wizards port over to the castle to have class. the above scenario would take away from the magic from the game, there are MMOs that can be used for that purpose. A MMO called Second Life is a non story based mmo with 3d graphics that creates a virtual world where anything can happen. in an article presented in this week's learning module ...

ISMM: Concert p2

For some reason Concert Band + Wind Ensemble = Jessica feels much more comfortable. IDK why. concert band = the Ensemble as Dr. Tevis always says. The fear of Brooke switching me to 3rd part. Completely Unfounded! There were 3 new trumpet players PRAISE JESUS! They were men & were nice. I guess the bigger band size calms my nerves and helps me relax. I was actually able to introduce myself to other members of the band & Wind Ensemble. I have a Social Ainxiety Disorder & it's hard for me to make friends.  I'm giving my embouchure  a rest for the rest of the night. halfway during practice I was getting the natural Lipstick. :D LLAP

ISMM: ok, so I'm a little bit rusty. It's been 10 years

This isn't a KIFF Blog. So Wizard101 isn't going to be the focus. (in case anyone is reading this) KIFF = Keeping It Family Friendly. ISMM = In Side My Mind. Just a note that after the semester's over, All future blogs will be ISMM. The ISMM title won't appear in the title because the class I'm blogging (CDES 219) for will be over. Right now I'm sitting in the Computer Lab @ Chico State, killing time before my rehearsal. I'm really nervous because I'm not sure if I'll have my same parts. (mostly 2nd trumpet & 1st trumpet on two songs) In the first parts I have little things called Solos. Meaning I'm heard above everyone else. <- Just like Fluttershy. (one of the two ponies from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that I identify with.) so I'm a little bit nervous. There are only 3 trumpet players in this ensemble, so I can't exactly hide in the sound like I'm used to. I'm also really nervous because of how long it...

KIFF: everything Young Wizard, comes with a cost. Social Media & Buisness 7/12

Before we begin, you might notice that my blogs are divided into two sections, Inside & Outside the Spiral. Inside the Spiral directly relates the topic of the week to Wizard101 & Kingsisle. Outside the Spiral relates to online gaming as a whole. If the weekly topic doesn't really match Wizard101 more information will be Outside the Spiral. Remember that the in-game universe of Wizard101 is called the Spiral.  Inside the Spiral Nothing, not even family friendly online games, is free. Wizard101 is no exception. Wizard101 does start out as a free-to-play game. New wizards are given access to the Commons, Unicorn Way, Old Town & Triton Avenue for absolutely free. However after a wizard reaches level 10, they most likely will have finished those areas and will need to access other streets. Unfortunantly those streets, and the rest of the worlds are premium content. keep in mind both of my accounts have access to approximately 90% of the Spiral. As was said earlier...

KIFF:I'm Queen of the... wait, What?... & how does W101 inform the public and gain new wizards? 6/12

Just a note before we begin, the planet Antario was created by my Venture (writing class for dyslexic students) teacher & me way back in 1995. I'm using this as an example of a fictional nation. Also this blog will attempt to stay bias free.  Outside the Spiral More than likely you're fed up with the way things are run in RL (gamerspeak for real life) and think you can do better if you're handed the reins. Or maybe you just want to escape reality and create your own city/world/planet/universe where you are the ruler/deity/sovereign. There are games for that. On Facebook for example, the Zynga games of Pioneer Trail, Castleville, Cityville and any other *.Ville that the red dog logo'd company can come up with, allow the player to create their own virtual "Homestead" (Pioneer Trail), "Kingdom" (Castleville), "City" (Cityville) where with the help of free gifts from neighbors and the friendly NPCs giving you quests to advance the st...

KIFF: gamers can be game-changers, and safety first young wizard 5/12

Just a side note before we begin, any entries that have KIFF: as the first word are part of Keeping it Family Friendly.  This week we'll be in and out of the Spiral. Outside the Spiral Gamers are able to help scientists come up with cures for cancer... there is a game called Foldit  where gamers can use their visual spatial skills, honed by many hours of gaming, to fold proteins. Since diseases and a slew of other organic stuff is made up of protiens, one tiny change in the structure of the protien could alter the molecule and change a disease into a cure. you have to download the client to start playing though. (for more detail please click on the word Foldit, it will take you to the website)   Last year, the horrible earthquake and tsunami attacked Japan. The Zynga game Farmville let you plant Daikon radishes on your farms. Each daikon planted raised money to help the Nihon-jin (Japanese people) it was part of the Japan Earthquake relief event  (n...

In Side My Mind: Girl Scouts' 100th Anniversary

I just want to give a shout out to the Girl Scouts of the USA! I was a member of both Circle T & Sierra Cascade councils. (both have changed their names now) in the 1990's. Congratulations on 100 years!

KIFF: For the source of new materials must be combed from the crowds 4/12

This week we'll drift away from the spiral in our discussion on Crowdsourcing. in a nutshell crowd sourcing is what happens when companies ask the general public for their input on future content. A huge example of this is Capcom_Unity's Devroom.  The Development Room or Devroom was created in 2010 by the Dev team to have the Megaman Legends fans input their ideas for the, now cancelled as of 7/19/2011, upcoming Nintendo 3DS game Megaman Legends 3. The purpose of the site was to have the fans signup as Servbots and participate in contests, on the forums ect. The fans would give their insights and while nothing majorly plot related was disclosed, fans could interact with the developers via UStream and play the first Legends game. The UStreams were hosted by Gregaman and Snow. This blogger herself was/is Servbot #002276 While fan interaction was a really innovative idea, Capcom never gave MML3 the greenlight and ultimately canceled the project. Capcom cancelled th...

KIFF: charting your wizard's history is as easy as dipity dopity do. 3/12

Disclaimer: Kingsisle and are not affiliated with each other. This week we won't focus as much on the game play of Wizard101 but on at least one way to write your character's biography. Wizard101 doesn't require its players to keep bios on their characters. It's a children's card game based game after all. Kids generally don't like to have to keep time-lines or journals on virtual characters. One website that could help is   Dipity lets users create timelines about absolutely anything. The dates range from 9999BC to 9999 AD You just input the date an event happened, and any video/pictures that go along with that event. It's similar to the time-line on Facebook. For example, if I were to create a timeline of my first wizard Jessica Starweilder, lvl 70 Storm. event #1: Started playing Wizard101. event #2: Jessica Starweilder is born...  I would keep adding events pertainent to that wrizard's life. The mos...

KIFF: SM&OG making the Spiral your own 2/12

MMORPGs, also known as Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, are, in a nutshell, escapes into a virtual reality created by companies for the enjoyment of the players. Wizard101 fits this description. MMORPGs thrive on User Generated Content If you've never played the game before you meet Headmaster Merle Ambrose and his pet Gamma the Owl They consult the Book of Secrets and give you a little test that you can skip afterwords once you've chosen your school you can create from the limited choices what your character looks like. First you choose the Gender Girl Boy Either a girl or a boy After that you can change the face, hair shapes and colors and skintone, as well as the colors of the initial outfit he/she wears. After making your selections you name your wizard Keep in mind that once you choose your wizard's face & hair, it's Permanent.  You then choose your wizard's name, and after you click Okay or Done, you'r...

Keeping it Family Friendly: Social Media and Online Gaming #1/12

Welcome to the first edition of "Keeping it Family Friendly: Social Media and Online Gaming."   Disclaimer: The owner of this blog is does not own the licence or the creative rights to Wizard101. The game is created and owned by KingsIsle Entertainment. This blogger only owns the 11 wizards she's created in the game. Before we begin our dive into why Wizard101 is successful at what it does. Gamers have been around since at least the time of the Pharaohs. Whether or not ancient pharaohs played "diaha" a dangerous game that gave birth to the card game Duel Monsters is unknown. :) Games have existed in many forms, from board games all the way to online gaming. This blog will focus on one game in particular.  Drumroll please!     In Wizard101 the player chooses their wizard from the seven schools of magic. (Similar to choosing one's major) This wizard is the "Chosen One who will 'Save Wizard City'"  The seven schools of...