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Today I had one of the dreaded things happen to me...
I had to go to the courthouse and show up for jury duty. :(
But it wasn't really all that bad. Seriously the waiting was really boring, and my main thought was "Please DON'T choose me!" or "Get me out of here, get me out of here"
I was in group 114. Groups 100 - 115 had to show up @ 8am. I was already pissed because today was the first day of Thanksgiving Break and I was looking foreward to relaxing at home. I'm a student at CSU Chico and we have the entire week off. My vacations are sacred. College is stressful enough as it is.
I was hoping that the case I was assigned to wasn't too boring a case like a lawsuit or another civil suit. I'm a Phoenix Wright fan and while waiting to go into a courtroom I was playing Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations on my 3DS. Mia Fey was cross-examining Phoenix when my group number was called.
the group was led to courtroom #7 where a criminal case was looking for jurors. The case was a drunk driving case that occured on New Years Day in Paradise.
At first I was a little disappointed that it wasn't a case I could get out of.
The Judge was nice but OMG when the defense attorney greeted the jurors the first time, I could sense he was trying to appeal to the prospective jurors to go his way.
That alone bugged me. I always thought that defense attorneys were supposed to be the NICE ONES? But this guy WAS A JERK!!!!
Aparently I was one of the few people who didn't drink. I told the court room that I thought that drinking was disgusting. I meant that the act of drinking alcohol & the taste of the beverage was disgusting. He took it to mean that I thought his client (can't remember the client's name) was disgusting. I replied that "no, this has nothing to do with your client personally. It's between him & his God or higher power..." Not really sure how he took it & I don't really care.
I could sense he was trying to manipulate the jury.
Apparently I am biased against drunk driving & I was an accident victim (my accident was a hit n run that happened in '08) so long story short, after both sides had their turn at questioning, I was dismissed by the judge. (Also I think it was the defense attorney who kicked me off the jury.)
I only wish that the defense attorney had stood up from behind the table, pointed his finger at either the jury or the judge and shouted "OBJECTION".
Today I had one of the dreaded things happen to me...
I had to go to the courthouse and show up for jury duty. :(
But it wasn't really all that bad. Seriously the waiting was really boring, and my main thought was "Please DON'T choose me!" or "Get me out of here, get me out of here"
I was in group 114. Groups 100 - 115 had to show up @ 8am. I was already pissed because today was the first day of Thanksgiving Break and I was looking foreward to relaxing at home. I'm a student at CSU Chico and we have the entire week off. My vacations are sacred. College is stressful enough as it is.
I was hoping that the case I was assigned to wasn't too boring a case like a lawsuit or another civil suit. I'm a Phoenix Wright fan and while waiting to go into a courtroom I was playing Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations on my 3DS. Mia Fey was cross-examining Phoenix when my group number was called.
the group was led to courtroom #7 where a criminal case was looking for jurors. The case was a drunk driving case that occured on New Years Day in Paradise.
At first I was a little disappointed that it wasn't a case I could get out of.
The Judge was nice but OMG when the defense attorney greeted the jurors the first time, I could sense he was trying to appeal to the prospective jurors to go his way.
That alone bugged me. I always thought that defense attorneys were supposed to be the NICE ONES? But this guy WAS A JERK!!!!
Aparently I was one of the few people who didn't drink. I told the court room that I thought that drinking was disgusting. I meant that the act of drinking alcohol & the taste of the beverage was disgusting. He took it to mean that I thought his client (can't remember the client's name) was disgusting. I replied that "no, this has nothing to do with your client personally. It's between him & his God or higher power..." Not really sure how he took it & I don't really care.
I could sense he was trying to manipulate the jury.
Apparently I am biased against drunk driving & I was an accident victim (my accident was a hit n run that happened in '08) so long story short, after both sides had their turn at questioning, I was dismissed by the judge. (Also I think it was the defense attorney who kicked me off the jury.)
I only wish that the defense attorney had stood up from behind the table, pointed his finger at either the jury or the judge and shouted "OBJECTION".
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