An Archmage is sworn to Valor,
Her heart knows only virtue,
her wand defends the helpless,
her might upholds the weak,
her word speaks only truth
Her wrath undoes the wicked...
Or it will, 9 levels from now -_-;
Hi, I'm Jessica Starweilder level 71 Transcended Diviner.
A Diviner is a Storm Wizard. We study the magic of the seas and are the most creative wizards in the Spiral.
But enough about me, I'm taking over the blog to let you know about a few updates to Wizard101 that just recently came out.
In Wizard101 when a wizard reaches a certain level they earn a new rank. for example; I'm over level 70 therefore my rank is Transcended. This game has an annoying thing called a Level Cap. When a wizard reaches this level any and all exp gain is lost and until it's raised we stay at that level.
Starting at level 20 after we level up 10 times we get a new rank. My next rank is Archmage, Level 80.
Level caps are raised when new worlds are discovered in the Spiral.
Just last week we discovered headmaster Ambrose's homeworld of Avalon. It has a Robinhood-esque feel to it and is very pretty. for more info click the link to the left. :D
Also in the works is a new game called Pirate101, it seems to be similar to W101 but so far the beta isn't out yet.
I'll put out more info when it comes out though. -.-;
See ya' in the Spiral
Her heart knows only virtue,
her wand defends the helpless,
her might upholds the weak,
her word speaks only truth
Her wrath undoes the wicked...
Or it will, 9 levels from now -_-;
Hi, I'm Jessica Starweilder level 71 Transcended Diviner.
A Diviner is a Storm Wizard. We study the magic of the seas and are the most creative wizards in the Spiral.
But enough about me, I'm taking over the blog to let you know about a few updates to Wizard101 that just recently came out.
In Wizard101 when a wizard reaches a certain level they earn a new rank. for example; I'm over level 70 therefore my rank is Transcended. This game has an annoying thing called a Level Cap. When a wizard reaches this level any and all exp gain is lost and until it's raised we stay at that level.
Starting at level 20 after we level up 10 times we get a new rank. My next rank is Archmage, Level 80.
Level caps are raised when new worlds are discovered in the Spiral.
Just last week we discovered headmaster Ambrose's homeworld of Avalon. It has a Robinhood-esque feel to it and is very pretty. for more info click the link to the left. :D
Also in the works is a new game called Pirate101, it seems to be similar to W101 but so far the beta isn't out yet.
I'll put out more info when it comes out though. -.-;
See ya' in the Spiral
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