Before we begin, you might notice that my blogs are divided into two sections, Inside & Outside the Spiral. Inside the Spiral directly relates the topic of the week to Wizard101 & Kingsisle. Outside the Spiral relates to online gaming as a whole. If the weekly topic doesn't really match Wizard101 more information will be Outside the Spiral. Remember that the in-game universe of Wizard101 is called the Spiral. Inside the Spiral Nothing, not even family friendly online games, is free. Wizard101 is no exception. Wizard101 does start out as a free-to-play game. New wizards are given access to the Commons, Unicorn Way, Old Town & Triton Avenue for absolutely free. However after a wizard reaches level 10, they most likely will have finished those areas and will need to access other streets. Unfortunantly those streets, and the rest of the worlds are premium content. keep in mind both of my accounts have access to approximately 90% of the Spiral. As was said earlier...
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