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KIFF: For the source of new materials must be combed from the crowds 4/12

This week we'll drift away from the spiral in our discussion on Crowdsourcing.

in a nutshell crowd sourcing is what happens when companies ask the general public for their input on future content.

A huge example of this is Capcom_Unity's Devroom.

 The Development Room or Devroom was created in 2010 by the Dev team to have the Megaman Legends fans input their ideas for the, now cancelled as of 7/19/2011, upcoming Nintendo 3DS game Megaman Legends 3.

The purpose of the site was to have the fans signup as Servbots and participate in contests, on the forums ect. The fans would give their insights and while nothing majorly plot related was disclosed, fans could interact with the developers via UStream and play the first Legends game. The UStreams were hosted by Gregaman and Snow.

This blogger herself was/is Servbot #002276

While fan interaction was a really innovative idea, Capcom never gave MML3 the greenlight and ultimately canceled the project.

Capcom cancelled the project because of , and this is truely ironic, lack of fan interaction. The fans (and I count myself as one of them) were outraged.

One of the pitfalls in crowdsourcing is if the idea is rejected the crowd will react negativily. 

and they will try to get the company to undo the idea. for Megaman Legends 3 there is a facebook group called "100,000 Strong for bringing back Megaman Legends 3" 
So far the group has 63,647 members.

going back to the Spiral, Kingsisle held a contest for fans to design new gear.
As far as I know the gear itself hasn't been released in the Spiral yet.


  1. Hi Jessica

    Great example. You definitely see crowdsourcing in the gaming world. Getting people to provide input, share stories, inform the design of games is key today.

    Great post.
    - Jon


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