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Showing posts from November, 2012

Mr. Defense Attorney, Y U NO Phoenix Wright?!

the perfect music to go along with this blog Today I had one of the dreaded things happen to me... I had to go to the courthouse and show up for jury duty. :( But it wasn't really all that bad. Seriously the waiting was really boring, and my main thought was "Please DON'T choose me!" or "Get me out of here, get me out of here" I was in group 114. Groups 100 - 115 had to show up @ 8am. I was already pissed because today was the first day of Thanksgiving Break and I was looking foreward to relaxing at home. I'm a student at CSU Chico and we have the entire week off. My vacations are sacred. College is stressful enough as it is. I was hoping that the case I was assigned to wasn't too boring a case like a lawsuit or another civil suit. I'm a Phoenix Wright fan and while waiting to go into a courtroom I was playing Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations  on my 3DS. Mia Fey was cross-examining Phoenix when my group number was called. the...

tis a gift

Tis a gift to be simple.... Tis a gift to give your director a carmel apple made by your own hands. Dr. Tevis is nice, a showman, and a screwball. I wish that he could meet Sensei Delina.   don't get me wrong, I love my Sensei. I've been training off & on for nine years, and right now life is a little bit busy for me to train in Jujitsu, yet in my honest opinion  the best conductors should know some of the esoteric principles of Danzan Ryu Jujitsu. It's evident that the two can blend together. For example: the younger the ensemble  the more outrageous the stick must move. In Jujitsu, when training white belts or those below you in rank, your kata should have wider movements. Okay, so the ensemble shouldn't have to bow before the conductor, but you know what I mean. What I learned today was that the conductor & ensemble should trust each other. When the musicians trust the conductor trust each other, then that's when the mus...