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Showing posts from July, 2012
Warning: the following Blog contains extensive amounts of  Jujitsu and Martial Arts terminology. If this offends or confuses you, then why are you reading this post? *looks around, and sees the reader still wanting to read* You're still here? Excellent, Hadijimemashou! Danzan Ryu Jujitsu, one of my passions  that life has a habit of getting in the way of sometimes. lol, but seriously it's fun. Tonight Sensei Delina had one of her friends Sensei Murph teach both the 4:30 & 5:45 classes. Wednesdays are the days when I usually would attend 1 class but since my mom has a colonoscopy tomorrow  she couldn't take me, instead my younger "sisters" took me up to Chico & I could attend both classes. Normally I take one Jujitsu class on Wednesdays & mom goes to church.  Boy am I glad that I went. 1: I worked out with some of my brothers on the mat. Those brothers like me hadn't been on the mat in a while.  and 2: Sensei Murph helped us work on different