The Zordon fanpage on Facebook is holding a contest and it's to answer the question What emotionally attached you to the Power Rangers show and Why do you love it so much? That got me to blushingly chuckle and to do a little soul searching and well, my first reply is "do you really want to know?" The short answer is I had a horrible childhood and PR was an escape. But the long answer... well... here's my story. The history of Jessica Zordon Spock. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers came out in 1993. I was going on 10 years old (I'm 30 years old now) and in Mrs Welch's 4th grade class at West Elementary, the kids had been talking about this cool new tv show called Power Rangers. I had never heard of it and that day at 5pm I tuned into Fox to watch Batman the animated series, come to find out that Batman had been moved to 4:30 and the Power Rangers was shown at 5. The episode was Island of Illusion. The Rangers were trapped on this island and would disappear ...