Well that went better than expected. And now I can no longer say that I've never directed anything before. I'd like to give a shoutout to my crew, Jay the floor manager Sala, the Tech Director Sophie, the Asst Director/time keeper Auroa* the Audio person Kam on Graphics Jerrau, the talent, Christian & the other 2 camera people (Can't remember your names) And Adam Morgan for rolling tape/helping me "keep calm and direct on" Special thanks goes out to... Jack Horkheimer (d2010) who always told the viewers of Starhustler/ Star Gazer to "Keep Looking Up." The project was a 30 second commercial on whatever topic you chose. Adam gave us a loose set of guidelines, we had to use 3 cameras in the studio and have audio. There were some suggestions for things to be included, but were optional. One of the first things you have to know about me, is that Astronomy has been a hobby/passion of mine since I was little and when this assignment was...